At some point, every gardener or owner of a personal plot asks the question of how to uproot trees and stumps on a plot. Uprooting trees and it’s stumps are not easy tasks, and the choice of how to remove the roots of the tree depends on each specific case.
The Ways to pull out stumps
There are several ways to remove a stump from a site:
- Using technology
- Manually
- Use of chemicals
- Biologically
Using technology
This is perhaps the fastest way. There are several technological means, ways, tools, and methods to remove stumps quickly.
Stump removal with the Grinder machine
But let’s get back to the stump grinder. Outwardly, it is very similar to a professional wheeled mill, equipped with a gasoline engine, used to cut asphalt and other hard surfaces. In fact, it is, it’s only used to turn stumps into sawdust. She cuts stumps thoroughly and, most importantly, very quickly.
Stump grinding is a quick process to uproot the stumps of the trees. It is a mostly used tool to grind the stump easily. You can solve your problems very efficiently and effectively to eliminate the stumps. For the large stumps, it is the best solution. This is because the technique chews the stump into pieces of up to 15 or 20 cm. below the ground.
Stump remover
Special device for uprooting. It can be manual and assembled. A handheld sprayer is used to remove thin, young trees and shrubs. It consists of a support platform and a shelf with a lever and a wood clamp.
Advantages: Gently and quickly removes young growth, without disfiguring the landscape.
Disadvantages: it is not advisable to buy for personal use for isolated cases, and to rent it you will also have to try it – not all homes have that addition.
The compact self-propelled mechanism on wheels with a gasoline engine. Remove stumps by shredding wood to a depth of 30 cm. Suitable for removing individual stumps between plantations or buildings. Among the advantages of the method can be noted speed, precision, and safety: the surrounding landscape, buildings, and communications are not damaged.
Disadvantages: the crushing depth is shallow, only 30 cm. This means that roots that remain deep in the future can give an undesirable sprout or interfere with the plowing of the land and communication; The use of such a technique is only possible in areas free from various solid wastes. The presence of metallic objects in the ground (bolts, nails, accessories, etc.) is especially dangerous, as it can damage an expensive device.
Rooting stumps with a winch
Another option for mechanical root removal, which is suitable for removing small to medium-sized saplings. To remove a tree in this way, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation, namely: digging a removal object within a radius of 1 meter or a little more and to a depth of about half a meter, cutting the lateral roots to cut. Then the stump is tied at the base with a wire, and at a sufficient distance from it, a winch is attached to reliable support and the removal process begins. After removing the stump, in the same way, it will be possible to get rid of the roots that remain in the ground.
Advantages of the method: If the farm has the necessary tools (bayonet shovel, crowbar, ax, saw, winch, and sturdy cable), then the method is inexpensive. They really get by on their own without the help of assistants.
Disadvantages: the winch cannot cope with any stumps. A strong sapling, and even growing in dense clay soil, is unlikely to outgrow it. Or it may just not be near a suitable object that it can attach to.
She can also get rid of a stump without uprooting: the trunk is cut at ground level. The method is fast, not expensive. Good if you need to give the site an aesthetic look in no time. But the disadvantages are obvious: only the aerial part is removed, the remaining roots will shoot over time. Also, it is impossible to plow the ground instead of a sawed stump. Yes, and it is not recommended to start construction (remember growth).
Manual extraction
If for some reason it is not possible to use the technique, unnecessary trees can be removed with common tools: an ax, a shovel, a hacksaw, a mallet, wedges, a crowbar (suitable as a crowbar).
The stump is dug everywhere. As they deepen, the exposed lateral roots are cut or cut off, the trunk is loosened and pulled out of the ground. To facilitate the task, you can use water: with the help of a pressure hose, water is supplied under the root. The soil is washed away, the roots are cut off, the trunk in the muddy soil loosens much more easily.
Forestry Mulching method
It is an indirect method to remove the stumps. Generally, it is used to clean & clear the total land and vegetation management. So, it is a great method to smoothen the land.
Brush Clearing method
This is an effective process to remove the tree stumps. Generally, Brush Clearing is a significant method to remove the trees and other obstacles of the land. In addition, it abolishes other unwanted things from the land. So, it is an attractive way to remove the stumps.
Land and lot clearing
To get rid of the unwanted stumps from the land, this is a familiar method for the people. Normally, it clears trees, debris, boulders, and other large items that create hassles for the land and property use.
There is an alternative method to remove the stumps with the help of chemicals: let’s see some chemicals below that are normally effective.
1. Saltpeter
2. Urea
3. Salt
Removing stumps with nitrate occurs as follows: the woody frame is cut at ground level. Deep holes (about 30-40 cm) are drilled in the resulting wood site, and the larger the diameter of the tree, the more holes are drilled. Then it is moistened with plenty of water. After the water is absorbed, nitrate is generously poured into the holes, the stump is covered with a waterproof film and left for several months (from early fall to late spring). During this time, the tree roots are completely saturated with nitrate and the stump can catch fire. In a few hours, anything that is saturated with nitrate will burn.
Urea application happens in the same way, with the only difference being that the stump will not need to be burned. Urea speeds up the breakdown process, and after 2 to 3 years, the stump will completely break down.
Remove stumps with salt
This is one of the budget options, but you still have to fork out for a pack of salt. Sodium chloride, although a food supplement, has pronounced aggressive properties. Salt destroys wood and this is a fact. To check this property of salt, you can use it, destroying the stump with it.
To do this, it is necessary to pre-drill several holes with a large drill, add salt to them, fill them with water, cover the entire “structure” with cellophane, and forget about their existence for a year and a half. During this time, the salt will destroy the structure of the wood, and the stump can be simply and easily uprooted independently without any help.
The use of ordinary table salt – This is the most inexpensive and inexpensive way possible. Salt kills the living and contributes to the accelerated decomposition of wood. Used in the same way as urea.
The advantage of using chemicals is that it is effective, inexpensive, does not require the use of great physical force and attracts helpers, and is therefore available to anyone.
Disadvantages: excessive use of chemicals poisons the environment. Be prepared that after removing the stump with salt and nitrate, nothing will grow in this area, and the soil will have to be revived for several more years. In no case should you burn the roots of peat bogs, as this can cause a fire, which is very difficult to extinguish?
Biological method
If you want to get rid of the stump and get the benefit of it, there are at least two options to achieve what you want:
And one more thing: there are trees whose uprooting from the stumps is pure torment. For example, American maple. It fires a shot so powerful that it seems that it will have to be eliminated forever and completely destroyed it will hardly succeed. But don’t despair. If all of the above options have been tried, but there is no desired result, it is worth using herbicides.
By means of which weeds are burned, it is necessary to spray green maple leaves. Also, the procedure should be carried out not once, but at least once a week. Be patient, be persistent. Sooner or later, the maple will dry up.
We do not face a similar problem every day, and therefore, even for experienced gardeners, the question of how to remove a stump from a tree often becomes a difficult task. Without certain knowledge and skills, it is impossible to solve it quickly and efficiently. But it is also impossible to leave wooden “garbage” on the site.
A sawn tree stump can cause inconvenience, produce fresh shoots, and occupy usable space, which is best used for planting other crops. But this is not the main problem. If the slender roots can eventually be naturally composted and made into a complete fertilizer, this will not happen with the massive roots and the rest of the trunk. Very soon, a stump uprooted in time will become a source of soil infections, fungi, a cozy refuge for pests.
Therefore, stump removal is not so much about aesthetics and convenience as the need to comply with sanitary standards. It should be remembered that maintaining “hygiene” in a personal or garden plot is a guarantee of longevity and high productivity of your valued “green friends”.
So how do you remove the stump from the tree? Consider your options.
The classic method: manually remove a stump
This is the traditional way of removing stumps and parts of the root system from a sawn or dead tree. The method is simple when it comes to a small stump, and incredibly laborious in the case of old trees, whose age goes back many decades.
Although if we consider this process inevitable and tune in to work, then everyone can cope with a similar task. Of course, you should not refuse the help of friends and neighbors, but if such proposals have not been received, you will need to pick up a shovel, not forget gloves, and act independently.
You need to dig well around the stump first, exposing the lateral roots as much as possible. As available, they must be cut or cut. When the lateral roots separate from the stem, the stump must be loosened well to allow access to the most important root – the root, which runs vertically downward. It will also need to be separated from the stump. It is advisable that the remaining part of the soil is under the fertile layer.
But that is not all. It is still necessary to extract all the large roots from the ground so that they do not interfere with the subsequent cultivation of the vacant site.
The easiest way to remove the stump.
Only in fairy tales do stumps jump out of the ground. Therefore, you should not relax, you will have to work hard. But there is a way to optimize this process. The idea is that the roots that extend from a stump can be washed with water, making it easy to access and remove.
To do this, you need to dig another hole, comparable in size to the one that will be dug around the stump when it is dug. The soil around the stump is washed under pressure by a stream from a hose, and the excess water enters a hole prepared for this purpose. When the roots are well stretched, they will be as accessible as possible for pruning and uprooting.
Technological method, mechanized method of stump extraction.
Few have probably heard that there is a special unit for stump removal – a stump grinder. It is true that this superweapon is like the latest NASA development, but for completeness, it is worth mentioning. Maybe someone wants to treat stumps professionally and open their own business. Fortunately, there is a request for such a service, and things will go away.
Biological method: the destruction of stumps by fungi
You must make a reservation immediately, this method does not belong to the category of express methods. You will have to wait at least two years. But where to rush when an incredible perspective opens up to combine the good and the tasty with the healthy, and even enjoy these benefits for years to come. The idea is simple: infect the stump with fungal spores. There are two worthy candidates for this role: the oyster mushroom and the winter mushroom. Both species are nearly omnivorous and do great on any stump, except for the remaining coniferous ones.
The “infection” technology is extremely simple. The mycelium of fungi, preferably cereal, already germinated in the substrate, is introduced into the perforated holes or notches in the stump. And that’s it. It is true that it is advisable to moisten the stump occasionally, especially in hot weather. If you do this in the spring, in October you can already expect a harvest of oyster mushrooms, and from December to March to collect winter mushrooms. After three years, the stump will turn to dust in general, and the experience gained can become an impetus to seriously grow mushrooms.
Stump removal by pyrotechnic chemical method
Depending on the technology of implementation, it is close to the variant with table salt. Only nitrate is used in this case: sodium or potassium. The advantage of the method is that the base, impregnated with nitrate, in our case wood, burns very well. Not surprisingly, nitrate is an essential component of many types of gunpowder.
To implement the method, many holes need to be drilled into a stump, filled with nitrate, filled with water, covered with a plastic bag or film from the rain, and patience for a year and a half.
When the saltpeter does its job and the stump wood softens, there is no need to rush it to mechanically pull it out. It is enough to pour a little flammable liquid on the stump and set it on fire, or light a fire around it. In the burning process, the saltpeter releases oxygen in abundance, thanks to which even deeply rooted roots can burn in this way. This method is popular not only among home gardeners but is also widely practiced on foreign farms.
Chemical stump removal method
This method is for people with greater patience. Here we will talk about urea and scientifically ammonium nitrate. The marker method is no different from the sodium-potassium nitrate method. Only the arson option will not work here, and it will take a little longer to wait for the stump to be destroyed.
But when the stump turns to dust, its remains can be easily dug up in the ground and new plants can be safely planted in this place. Ammonium nitrate is a first-class fertilizer, so a similar method of removing stumps does double duty.
The method is a bit “poisonous”
Let’s talk about herbicides. Despite the widespread opinion about the undoubted harm of herbicides, we can say that “the devil is not as terrible as he is painted”. In any case, modern preparations Glycol, Alaz, Tornado, Roundup, Zero, and others, designed specifically for weed control, are practically harmless; they quickly decompose into phosphates, carbon dioxide, and water.
You can enter chemicals in two ways: treat them with a fresh cut, or distribute them evenly around the stump on the soil surface. Plentiful watering or rain will do their job, and the drugs will penetrate deep into the root system.
These chemicals are effective only in the case of a freshly cut tree, as they are intended to exclusively destroy living vegetation.
Another important property is the so-called systemic nature, which allows substances to spread rapidly through the capillary system of the plant. Entering the structure of the tree, in particular the fresh stump, they quickly kill it, after which the latter collapses and becomes flexible for uprooting.
When planning a site, a garden is broken, a landscape design of a house adjoining the territory is created, stumps are a serious obstacle. Yes, and instead of the beloved but obsolete tree, one does not always want to observe its rest. In this situation, you need to remove the stump, and it turns out that you can do this in several ways.
The most traditional method is the removal of stumps with your own hands. We supply ourselves with the necessary equipment: a shovel, an ax, a saw, a rope. We attract a couple of attendees with good physical strength to the company. We excavate around the stump to a depth of about half a meter. At this stage, the thickest roots will appear, they are cut or cut with an ax. We loosen the central part of the stump, then we tie it with a rope and remove it manually or with the help of a winch. The process described can be greatly simplified by using the tubing and hose. Pre-dig a hole at a distance of one meter from a stump with a volume slightly larger than a hole around the rest of the trunk. Soil eroding water will flow here. Later, we create strong pressure on the water jet and direct it to the root system. From the soft soil, the bare roots and the main part of the stump are removed with relative ease. If a stump interferes only for aesthetic reasons, it is enough to cut off its visible part. Around the object, create a small depression and at this level (just below the surface of the ground) we cut the base with a chainsaw. We put a layer of soil over the wood, sow grass, and enjoy the sight of a flat, holistic lawn. Create a small depression and at this level (just below the surface of the ground) we cut the base with a chainsaw. We put a layer of soil over the wood, sow grass, and enjoy the sight of a flat, holistic lawn. Create a small depression and at this level (just below the surface of the ground) we cut the base with a chainsaw. We put a layer of soil over the wood, sow grass, and enjoy the sight of a flat, holistic lawn.
When there is no possibility or desire to work physically, a special team will come to the rescue. A tractor or excavator will easily pull out a stump in conjunction with a rhizome system. A forestry bur (it’s also a stump grinder) will carefully crush the wood outside and below the soil surface, causing sawdust and dust. An obvious disadvantage of such “workers” is the high cost of their rent. In addition, the method is suitable only for those stumps on which the team will be able to freely travel around the territory of the site. One of the most modern methods of treating wood waste is the use of various chemicals. The following tools have proven themselves:
Potassium, sodium nitrate. Along the stump section, we drill deep holes, fill them with nitrate, pour a lot of water on top, and cover with plastic wrap. The procedure is best done in the fall to leave the stump wrapped until spring. During this time, the wood is impregnated with the substance and partially decomposed, we only need to set the rotten stump on fire. Along with the top, the root will also burn, since the saltpeter gives off a lot of oxygen. Removal of a stump with arson can be done on clay or sandy soil, but on cloudy soil, such an undertaking will turn out to be very dangerous.
Ammonia fertilizer (urea). It is laid in the same way as saltpeter, it is covered with a film, but fire is not applied here. It will take longer to get rid of it, but after that, the treated area will become very fertile.
General herbicidal action. Eliminate weeds and stumps along with the root. The chemical should be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Most herbicides are harmless to the soil, after their application you can immediately plant new crops.
Not just the active chemicals, but even table salt can split the stump. According to the principle described above, we drill holes in a slice, add salt, pour water, cover. After 1-2 years, the wood will turn to dust. The disadvantage of this approach is the excessive salinity of the soil so that plants will not take root here for some time.
When the removal of the stump is only planned, it is important to consider all aspects of the work ahead: which method is more acceptable, what will be located on the old wood site, and if fertile soil is needed here, how much the idea is worth. With a correct assessment of the situation and thorough preparation, getting rid of the stump will go smoothly and smoothly.
There are many ways and methods to get rid of stumps: there are more “old-fashioned” and peculiar “know-how”. Depending on the task, the location of the disposal object, the size and planting of the site, you need to choose the most optimal for yourself. An important point when making a decision is the question: How much does it cost to get rid of a stump? and How long does this process take? You can invite experts to remove unnecessary green space, who can easily solve your problem, or you can go the other way and do everything yourself. To do this, consider the most common and popular types of uprooting among summer residents.
How to get rid of a stump on a site, a summer residence, in a garden. After cleaning the garden of unnecessary trees, stumps remain. Without delay, it is advisable to get rid of them immediately if you do not plan to make a garden table, mini flower bed, or enter it into the landscape design of your site. But this case is possible only when the stump is not infected with fungi, viruses, or insects. Otherwise, you will get a beautiful disease hotbed in your garden.
Before proceeding to the description of uprooting methods, it should be said that the performance of such work can be requested from specialized companies. One such firm is “The Tree Expert”, we quickly and accurately remove trees, stumps, and shrubs both in suburban areas and in the city. Call, the consultation is free.
The advantage of using chemicals is that it is effective, inexpensive, does not require the use of great physical force and attracts helpers, and is therefore available to anyone.
Beginning Radiators
How to water a tree so that it dries quickly. How to remove an old tree stump at a site
At some point, every gardener or owner of a personal plot asks the question of how to uproot trees and stumps on a plot. Uprooting trees is not an easy task, and the choice of how to remove the roots depends on each specific case.