Breastfeeding Issues? Here’s What You Need to Know for Correcting a Shallow Latch

Do you know, how difficult it is for a baby to latch on a mother’s nipple? Isn’t it just natural for the baby to suckle from mum’s breast with no difficulty? Well, you can only think so because this is what the majority of books and experts tell us. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way for every mom. 

It might take several attempts and different techniques before you get your baby to latch on correctly. However, once you master the techniques, you will have an easier time breastfeeding and will not have to deal with any pain or discomfort every time your baby feeds. Here are some useful tips that will assist in correcting shallow latch breastfeeding.

Try an alternative position

The correct breastfeeding position is almost always the one that comes naturally to both you and your baby. But if your baby cannot get a good latch in any of the positions, then you need to try an alternative position. The most common positions for breastfeeding are the cradle hold, the semi-reclined position, and the sitting position. To achieve a correct latch with each position is slightly different. So, try all of them to see which is more comfortable for you and your baby. If none of these positions are working for you, then try an alternative position such as side-lying or skin-to-skin.

Check Positioning

The positioning of both you and your baby are crucial for a successful latch. Sometimes, the positioning is the culprit of a shallow latch. If your baby is experiencing trouble latching on one breast, try switching to the other one. This may help your baby latch on correctly. If your baby always has trouble latching on one breast, it might be best to pump that breast and feed it to your baby via a bottle. If you choose this method, make sure you only feed one breast per feeding. 

It is also important to make sure that your nipple is at the right level for your baby. You can do this by placing your finger in between your nipple and your baby’s mouth. If your baby’s mouth is too low, try moving your breast higher. If your baby’s mouth is too high, try moving your breast lower. You can also place your breast inside your baby’s mouth and let her latch on. This will help you figure out the right level for your nipple.

Use A Nipple Shield

Using a nipple shield can help you achieve a better latch by a number of means. It can help with positioning your baby more effectively, it can encourage your baby to open her mouth wider and latch on more effectively, and it can protect your nipples from getting sore. If you are using a nipple shield, make sure you remove it as soon as possible, as there are many risks associated with using it for an extended period of time. If you do have to use a nipple shield, you might want to start weaning off of it when your baby is 5-6 weeks old. 

Keep in mind that a nipple shield is not a long-term solution. It is best used as a short-term solution if you are having trouble latching your baby. Once you have corrected the latch and your baby is latching on correctly, you should stop using the nipple shield.

Tips For Correcting A Shallow Latch

If you have tried everything and your baby is still latching on too shallowly, it may be necessary to use a breast shield. Using a breast shield will help you to see if your baby is latching on correctly. Once you see that your baby is latching on correctly, you can stop using the breast shield. If you are using a breast shield, it is important to make sure it is of the right size. You want to make sure that your breast shield is not too small or too big. A too small breast shield will not allow your baby to open her mouth wide enough, and a too big breast shield will cause your baby to latch on too deeply. You can see if the breast shield is the right size by placing the shield behind your nipple. Your nipple should be in the middle of the shield. If your nipple is too far away from the center of the breast shield, it is too small. If your nipple is touching the edge of the breast shield, it is too big.

Here is more information about it. If you want to learn more then visit here.


Breastfeeding is an amazing experience for both mother and child. But it is not always easy. If your baby is latching on too shallowly, it can cause you a lot of pain and discomfort. But fortunately, there are ways to correct this. You can try an alternative position, check your positioning, use a nipple shield, and/or use some tips for correcting a shallow latch. With these tips and a little bit of patience, you should be able to correct a shallow latch and have a more comfortable breastfeeding experience.