How To Unclog A Toilet Without A Plunger: Alternative Methods That Work

We’ve all experienced it: when the toilet becomes blocked without an available plunger. But there are effective solutions available to you that don’t involve using one at all, and these other strategies should work to unclog it fast or at least temporarily:

  1. Hot Water And Dish Soap

Hot water and dish soap may already be found in your home and can help clear a toilet without using a plunger. Here’s How to unclog a toilet:

Step 1: As a first step, add plenty of dish soap to the toilet bowl – at least a quarter-cup should do. This helps loosen clogs more easily so flushing is simpler.

Step 2: If you use a pan or kettle to bring water to a boil in a pot on the stove, be careful not to make it too hot because that could damage fine china. A temperature closer to bathwater is best.

Step 3: Be careful as you carefully pour hot water into the toilet from the waist level to try to break up any clogs and get the water through. 

Step 4: The final step should be waiting 10-15 minutes. In many instances, hot water and soap will help break up clogs so it is easy to flush away; otherwise you can try again if this method doesn’t work.

  1. Vinegar And Baking Soda

Baking soda and vinegar are staple household products that can be combined to quickly unclog toilets. Their combination produces an exothermic chemical reaction that helps dislodge any obstructions to toilet flushing, such as stuck plugs. 

Step 1: First, use the brush to put about a cup of baking soda right into the toilet bowl.

Step 2: Add one cup of vinegar; this should cause fizzing and bubbling as they mix, helping break up any blockage. 

Step 3: Thirdly, let the mix sit for 20 to 30 minutes to see if its level decreases; if so, this may indicate that the blockage has been eliminated.

Step 4: The fourth step involves adding hot water to the toilet. After 10 minutes have passed, flush again to see if any clog has been cleared away.

  1. The Wire Coat Hanger

If you have a drain that won’t move, a wire coat hanger can help you clear it out. This works best for drains that are close to the opening. 

Step 1: Construct a straight wire coat hanger before bending one end into a small hook shape to form this method of use. 

Step 2: Carefully insert the hook end of a pipe cleaner into the toilet drain, pushing and twisting it against any obstructions to free it up, without hitting anything sharp against it. 

Step 3: Flushing your toilet can test whether water drains more smoothly once you feel that your clog has begun to break apart or shift.

  1. Bath Bombs Or Epsom Salt

You might not believe it, but Epsom salts or bath bombs can also help clear out a toilet! Fizzing and bubbling up in the bowl of your toilet bowl helps break up blockages and move water down its channels more freely.

Step 1: Add one or more bath bombs or cups of Epsom salts directly to the toilet bowl for optimal results.

Step 2: Wait for the item to break down and pop, while step 3 adds hot water into the toilet, and flushing after 15-20 minutes should help break it up further. 

  1. An Enzyme-Based Drain Cleaner 

If you want to clear your toilet without using harsh chemicals, enzyme-based drain cleaners work just as well and are safer to use. Since natural enzymes break down organic matter more effectively than chemicals can, enzyme-based cleaners may even extend the life of your pipes!

Step 1: Purchase a toilet cleaner that contains enzymes; these products can typically be found at hardware shops or online. 

Step 2: Follow the manufacturer’s directions regarding how much cleaner to add to the bowl at once.

Step 3: Step three is to allow the cleaner to sit for as long as you specified; this could be several hours or overnight.

Step 4: Flushing your toilet first thing in the morning should allow water to run freely through its pipes due to enzymes breaking up any blockages and freeing it for flow.

Last Thoughts 

Learning how to clear a toilet will save you from dealing with an unpleasant overflow or calling in a plumber immediately. Plungers are ideal, but other methods will also work just as effectively if necessary – hot water, soap, and wire coat hangers might all do the trick! If none of these options work, though, professional help might be needed, in which case only skilled plumbing services should be called upon for help.